Our Training
It’s easy making ice cream when using our products, but making ice cream is just the first step in bringing the finished product to market. Like every craft. there’s a lot to learn before you will become an ice cream expert!
You can learn a lot from our e-books and watching our videos but you will learn much more in a factory training class, “hands on,” “muscle memory.” You will be closely supervised by our English-speaking staff plus Chefs Apple and Michael. If the class is a fly-in startup, both Chefs Apple and Michael will supervise.
Take a look at out student gallery to see some of the many things you will learn. Download our “About our Training” brochure.
Classes start on alternate months, February, April, June, August, October and December, starting the first Monday of the month at 10 AM. Upon graduation you will receive a certificate and chef, hat and apron. You can order jackets with our logo if you wish.